xmodmap shift-dh

monday, 17 august 2015

my Poker 2 keyboard travels with me everywhere so my Colemak Shift-DH layout is available to me on any computer I use. For those times it isn’t, the following .Xmodmap file allows me to emulate the layout on any ANSI keyboard attached to a *nix system..


add Mod4 = Super_R keysym Super_R = Mode_switch keycode 49 = grave asciitilde asciicircum keycode 10 = equal plus F12 keycode 11 = 1 exclam F1 keycode 12 = 2 at F2 keycode 13 = 3 numbersign F3 keycode 14 = 4 dollar F4 keycode 15 = 5 percent F5 keycode 16 = 6 asciicircum F6 keycode 17 = 7 ampersand F7 keycode 18 = 8 asterisk F8 keycode 19 = 9 parenleft F9 keycode 20 = 0 parenright F10 keycode 21 = bracketleft braceleft F11 keycode 22 = bracketright braceright Prior keycode 23 = Escape Escape asterisk keycode 24 = minus underscore 7 keycode 25 = q Q 8 keycode 26 = w W 9 keycode 27 = f F keycode 28 = p P keycode 29 = b B keycode 30 = j J keycode 31 = l L keycode 32 = u U keycode 33 = y Y Home keycode 34 = semicolon colon Up keycode 35 = apostrophe quotedbl End keycode 51 = Delete Delete Next keycode 66 = Tab ISO_Left_Tab keycode 38 = slash question 4 keycode 39 = a A 5 keycode 40 = r R 6 keycode 41 = s S keycode 42 = t T keycode 43 = g G keycode 44 = m M keycode 45 = n N keycode 46 = e E keycode 47 = i I Left keycode 48 = o O Down keycode 36 = Return Return Right keycode 50 = backslash bar 0 keycode 52 = Shift_L Shift_L 1 keycode 53 = x X 2 keycode 54 = c C 3 keycode 55 = d D keycode 56 = v V keycode 57 = z Z keycode 58 = k K keycode 59 = h H keycode 60 = comma less keycode 61 = period greater !keycode 62 = Shift_R !keycode 37 = Control_L !keycode 133 = Super_L keycode 64 = Alt_L Meta_L period keycode 65 = space space keycode 108 = BackSpace BackSpace !keycode 134 = Super_R !keycode 135 = Menu !keycode 105 = Control_R clear Lock

which can be invoked with..

xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap

While tenkeyless and 104 key keyboards have a complement of separate function and navigation keys, the Poker 2 layout, for me, is a more effective layout to type on. Not having to move the hands off the home row is just more convenient and efficient—which this .Xmodmap file allows.

»»  gateron pbt keycaps

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